AInternal Med, Epidemiology. MD Chubut, S Isidro, Buenos Aires. School of Health Sciences Miabout Me

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Quiz Questions for Chapter 23

 .1.       Why are the cartilages that reinforce the trachea C-shaped?
2.       Which structure is the final part of the conduction portion of the respiratory system?
3.       What role do the nasal conchae play in the respiratory system?
4.       In pneumonia, fluid accumulates in the alveoli of the lungs and bronchioles constrict. What effect does pneumonia have on vital capacity?  
5.       How is inspiratory capacity calculated?
6.       Which gas law states, “At a given temperature, the amount of a particular gas in solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas”?
7.       Why is it important to exhale while lifting weights?
8.       Edward breaks a rib that punctures his left lung. What will happen to his left lung and how will it be treated?

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