AInternal Med, Epidemiology. MD Chubut, S Isidro, Buenos Aires. School of Health Sciences Miabout Me

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Krebs / Citric Acid Cycle


Chapter 25 is ready!!!

Chapter 25 is ready!!! and the Quiz!!!!

QUIZ -Chapter 25-

QUIZ -Chapter 25-
1.       What is the primary role of the TCA cycle in the production of ATP?
2.       What is the electron transport system’s role in the generation of ATP?
3.       How does a decrease in the level of cytoplasmic NAD affect ATP production in mitochondria?
4.       NADH produced by glycolysis in skeletal muscle fibers leads to production of two ATP molecules in mitochondria, but NADH produced by glycolysis in cardiac muscle cells leads to production of three ATP molecules. Why?
5.       Why is oxidative phosphorylation the most important mechanism for generating ATP?
6.       What consequence(s) is (are) the result of a dietary deficiency of one or more essential amino acids?
7.       Why are proteins an impractical source of quick energy, a “last ditch” source of energy
8.       Why are high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) considered beneficial?
9.       Why is catabolism of dietary carbohydrates and proteins considered “not as productive” as catabolism of lipids?
10.   Why are LDLs considered “bad cholesterol”?
11.   Why does hypervitaminosis more commonly involve fat-soluble vitamins?
12.   What process in the liver increases after you have eaten a high-carbohydrate meal?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Chapter 24 is ready, see you!!

Quiz Questions Chapter 24

Quiz Questions Chapter 24
1.    What is occurring when the soft palate and larynx elevate and the glottis closes?
2.    Which structures comprise a hepatic triad?
3.    The major histological differences between the large intestine and small intestine are?
4.    How do most chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system?
5.    Where in the human body will chemical digestion begin?
6.    In which region(s) of the digestive tract does mechanical processing occur?
7.    What effect does secretion of secretin by enteroendocrine cells of the duodenum have on the pancreas?
8.    Why is diarrhea potentially life threatening, but constipation is not?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Quiz Questions for Chapter 23

 .1.       Why are the cartilages that reinforce the trachea C-shaped?
2.       Which structure is the final part of the conduction portion of the respiratory system?
3.       What role do the nasal conchae play in the respiratory system?
4.       In pneumonia, fluid accumulates in the alveoli of the lungs and bronchioles constrict. What effect does pneumonia have on vital capacity?  
5.       How is inspiratory capacity calculated?
6.       Which gas law states, “At a given temperature, the amount of a particular gas in solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas”?
7.       Why is it important to exhale while lifting weights?
8.       Edward breaks a rib that punctures his left lung. What will happen to his left lung and how will it be treated?